Tuesday, 17 December 2019


I was having bsod's and freezes, expecially during idling over night. By deleting the recovery partition, you essentially deleted the boot loader so there was no way for the laptop to know where to boot from. Read the User's Manual for more info. I would love to get this to a factory default to try to trace my problems back to the beginning and try again. Specifically, I noticed that my first HD was partitioned in to a "C: Rdslw 1 minute ago.

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Your name or email address: I have a feeling this is caused by the dead CMOS battery.

A windows repair disc usually allows you to fix this, but it might not work the first time you try it. Primary hard drive location asus g73jh-a1. Face it, sometimes ya just gotta pay. I have custom audio drivers for the SRS "subwoofer" and the backlight on the keyboard working after flashing the fix from Gary read about it here: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4.

Is there a good program to use? Recovering Asus G73Jh Laptop to factory.

What to do about hidden recovery partition?

Laptop General Discussion 1 Mar 27, I don't know what could be causing this. What Notebook Should I Buy? PotatoSupremacist Sep 18, No I looked at it and it is a little over 21GB. If you want you can check out my thread New notebook? New posts Trending Search forums. Dell inspiron problem. Pass this around, get the news out! Systems 3 Jan 22, It's running a bit stable now but i'm about to restart for windows updates so I may not be on again for awhile. I have recently parhition windows and took the dive with ati's video drivers.

Asus G73JH Recovery/Backup Discs

Apr 23, 86 0 18, 0. There is a recovery partition, but it's contents are not what Asus would have had on it from the manufacturer.

You need a third-party partitioning tool, like Partition Wizard. Do you already have an account? New posts New profile posts Latest activity.

The majority of the laptop was actually missing Results 1 to 7 of 7. Or am I doing it wrong? I've done 3 clean resintalls and I keep runing into major crashing problems again.

Look in my New Drivers sticky. There is a hidden recovery partition located on the hard disk with the 'factory install' copy of Windows. GeorgeGod 5 minutes ago.

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