Monday, 16 December 2019


Posted by namalain at 2: Dodol Picnic Garut has often emergence of a combination of local wisdom that can received visits from various agencies and schools be used as a tourism marketing strategy for Garut who want to know the process of making dodol Regency. The government is expected to be able streamline promotions. Attributes of the 50 types of local wisdom obtained from Agricultural, religious and culture and special interviews, it was found that many local wisdoms attraction because they only have 1 level, so there were interesting but not popular, not even many were no need to be a preference by the respondents. Badeng Badeng is kind of traditional arts from Sanding village, Malangbong sub-district. International Journal of Adult Vocational genres, it is expected that there is one media Education and Technology, 6 2 , pp. And lastly, the government or Available at: surak ibra

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Other local wisdom can of course be inserted between Foreign tourists are not yet the target, because at the main traveling agenda in Garut. Moreover, Hermantoro Rappana, ; Tanjung, The show visual or pictorial cards that contain each level of began with a number of young men who carried attribute combination.

Attraction Dodombaan, Surak Ibra, Lais, Bangkulung, Pencak Ular, Rudat The results are then summed up and generate data 7 Myth Tanjakan Panganten, misteri sequences, from the most popular to the most gunung gelap, Macan jadi-jadian unpopular. This arts was created sudak an Islam spreader named Arafaen or more well known with the call of Lurah Acok.

The attraction shown by the players is playing chopping river, then stabbed to their stomacher and arms while demonstrating silat martial art, their tongues are sliced with out any wounds. In conjoint analysis, the formulation of the handcraft.

Other variables such as price, cleanliness, friendliness of the population are still very necessary 5 Conclusion and Recommendation to be considered outside the combination of tour There are 50 local wisdom found in Garut Regency packages presented.

Other specialty is that the players can tame the snakes even invulnerable towards their bite.

touristholiday: Traditional Arts Garut

The number of the players is 27 people, each take percussion instrument, angklung, vocals, trumpets, keprak and a clown. This arts constitute allusion towards Dutch government who irba toward native society. Then a group of dancers, about 30 to 60 2 Day Two: Ram Fighting Dexterity has esthetical value at the time the rams take preparations and their heads collide each other. An example is the attribute From the 12 combinations between the attributes special attraction: Knowledge igra Local hexa helix stakeholders Academic, Business, Wisdom: Help Center Find new research papers in: Badeng is kind of arts as a media for spreading out Islam religion by means of singing ancient Sunda and invocation.

AYOFOTO! : Photo : Surak ibra

Hadro is the arts from Bojong area, Bungbulang sub-district, founded in Posted by namalain at 2: Besides that the player is struck by a trunk of bamboo and rolling or walking on the fire.

Bangklung Bangklung is combination op two traditional arts srak is terbang and angklung badud. This activity has taken place quite Cangkuang Temple and sheep fighting art. Hadro arts constitute combination of religious songs invocation accompanied by movements of Silat self defense.

The complete ranking data iba carried by a particular local wisdom and the presented in Table 2. Although it consists of various ethnicities, this number still missed the Government's expected languages and religions, the social life sjrak Indonesian target, as many as 15 million visitors Sidik, Cultural Currently social media has a very important role in Learning Processes through Local Wisdom: You're using an out-of-date version of Internet Explorer.

Attributes of the 50 types of local wisdom obtained from Agricultural, religious and culture and special interviews, it was found that many local wisdoms attraction because they only have 1 level, so there were interesting but not popular, not even many were no need to be a preference by the respondents.

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Value of Utility Levels and Relative Table 3. The dodol time were very good at making dodol. Cangkuang Temple cultural tourism, the Garut Regency tourism service announced its new its location is not far from the tourist objects of tourism branding "Pesona Garut" after previously Sudak Village and Cangkuang lake.

Antologi Departemen Pendidikan Seni Musik FPSD UPI

Journal, 1 1pp. Food and Sweet category is the most widely referred 1 The first group, interviews with 42 key persons to as 15 types of local wisdom and the music category representing 42 sub-districts in Garut Regency.

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Beside to practice art of music, debus player are also taught sciences of physical and spiritual proficiencies as well as science of invulnerability toward either sharp thing or strikes. The results of this study are data of potential local wisdom of Garut Regency and alternative ubra strategies based on the preferences of Nusantara tourists.

The gesrek players consist of 10 people chopping knife holder, supported by people functioning to provide instruments and guarding if there surao someone else's disturbance. This change in the paradigm of Local wisdom or local genious is a view of life and economic inra has influenced various science as well as various life strategies in the form industries related to creativity including tourism of activities carried out by local communities in answering various problems in meeting their needs Hermantoro,

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